
Below you will find lyrics to most of the Czech songs in our library.
These are in no way meant to be the definitive versions, they are just the ones I have.
The handwritten ones came from John Ondrusek, our former bandleader.
Others were gifted to me from friends and supporters.
Some of these have probably been "Texican-ized", adapted with slang and such.
They may have other names, I'm just going with what I know them to be.
Don't ask me what something means, because I wouldn't be able to tell you.
If you don't see it here, I don't have it.
I hope you can use and enjoy these.

A Ja Sam (All by Myself) Polka
All is Gone Waltz
Annie's Polka
Annie & the Foreman March (Version 1)
Annie & the Foreman March (Version 2)
Annie in the Cabbage Patch (and Barbara) Polka
Arise My Darling Polka (or Waltz) (Version 1)
Arise My Darling Polka (or Waltz) (Version 2)
Around Frydek Polka
Around Hradce Polka
Around the Moon Polka (Version 1)
Around the Moon Polka (Version 2)
Around the Moon Polka (Version 3)
At the Dance Waltz
At the Green Gate Polka
At the Mill March (Version 1)
At the Mill March (Version 2)
At the Mill March (Version 3)
At the Spring (U Studanky) Waltz (Version 1)
At the Spring (U Studanky) Waltz (Version 2)
Bandleader Polka
Barbara Polka (Version 1)
Barbara Polka (Version 2)
Barbara Polka (Version 3)
Beautiful America Waltz (Version 1)
Beautiful America Waltz (Version 2)
(Oh What a) Beautiful Dream Waltz (Version 1)
(Oh What a) Beautiful Dream Waltz (Version 2)
(Oh What a) Beautiful Dream Waltz (Version 3)
Beautiful (Silent) Grove Waltz
Beautiful Moments Polka
Beautiful (Handsome) Shepherd Polka
Beautiful Shepherdess Waltz
Beautiful Song Waltz
Behind the Blacksmith Shop Waltz
Black Crow Polka
Black Gypsy Waltz
Black Haired Lad Waltz
Blacksmith (Kovari, Kovari) Waltz (Version 1)
Blacksmith (Kovari, Kovari) Waltz (Version 2)
Blue Eyed Dolly Waltz
Blue Eyes Polka
Bohemian Forest Waltz
Borsicka (Borsicanka) Polka
Broken Love (Brezan Trees) Waltz
Bubbling Brook Waltz
Carpenter's Waltz (Version 1)
Carpenter's Waltz (Version 2)
Child Like a Rose Polka
Chimney Sweep Polka
Circling Pigeons Laendler
Clock on the Steeple Polka
Clover by the Water Polka
Clover in the Woods Polka
Come to Us, Joe Polka
Corn Cockle Polka
Cottage Under the Mountains Waltz (Version 1)
Cottage Under the Mountains Waltz (Version 2)
Cradle Polka
Cross at the Brook Waltz
Dahlia Waltz
Dancehall Polka
(Where Are Those) Days of My Youth Waltz
Deer Waltz (Version 1)
Deer Waltz (Version 2)
Dreamboat Waltz
Dreamland Waltz
Drink, Brothers, Drink Polka
Drunken Wigmaker Waltz (Version 1)
Drunken Wigmaker Waltz (Version 2)
Falling Leaves Waltz
False Heart Polka
Fire Brigade Polka
Fisherman's Love Waltz
Fly, Fly Little Bird Waltz
Flying Martin Waltz
Fond Farewell Polka (Wedding March)
Forsaken Memories Waltz
Foundling Waltz
Four Horses Waltz
From Tabor to Us Polka
Gander (Haj Husicky Haj) Polka
GardenWaltz (Version 1)
Garden Waltz (Version 2)
Garden Waltz (Version 3-Lee Roy Matocha Version)
Good Morning Polka
Good Night My Darling Waltz
Go to Sleep Little Children Waltz (Version 1)
Go to Sleep Little Children Waltz (Version 2)
Grandpa, Grandma Waltz
Gray Dove Waltz
Greedy Farmer Waltz
Green is Green Polka
Green Meadow Waltz (Version 1)
Green Meadow Waltz (Version 2)
Grinder's Mill (Nemelem) Polka (Version 1)
Grinder's Mill (Nemelem) Polka (Version 1)
Grinder's Mill (Nemelem) Polka (Version 1)
Gypsy Polka (Version 1)
Gypsy Polka (Version 2)
Gypsy Polka (Version 3)
Haja Polka
Happiness (Parents Don't Be Angry) Waltz
Happy Go Lucky (Strasidlo) Polka (Version 1)
Happy Go Lucky (Strasidlo) Polka (Version 2)
Happy Go Lucky (Strasidlo) Polka (Version 3-Adolph Hofner Version)
Happy Joe Waltz
Hastrman Waltz
Haunted Garret Waltz
Haymaking Waltz (Version 1)
Haymaking Waltz (Version 2)
Headache Waltz (Version 1)
Headache Waltz (Version 2)
Heartless Waltz
Highway Before Me Polka
Hills of Shiner Polka
Homecoming Waltz
Huntsman's Waltz
Husar (Cavalry Soldier) Polka
If I Were a Bird Polka (Version 1)
If I Were a Bird Polka (Version 2)
I Love the Bandleader Polka
I Love to Dance Polka
In a Little Grove Polka
It's Your Fault Polka
I Won't Be Here Polka
I Won't Say a Word Polka
Jarabacek (Bird of Spring) Polka
Juanita Waltz
Julaida Polka (Version 1)
Julaida Polka (Version 2)
Kajdu (I Lost My Vest) Polka
Key Under the Mat Waltz
Koline, Koline March (Version 1)
Koline, Koline March (Version 2)
Lazy Farmer Waltz
Linden Tree Waltz
Little Goose Polka (Version 1)
Little Goose Polka (Version 2)
Little Tavern Waltz
Lively Old Mill Polka
Long Road to Praha Polka (Version 1)
Long Road to Praha Polka (Version 2)
Looking For My Sweetheart Waltz (Version 1)
Looking For My Sweetheart Waltz (Version 2)
Looking, Looking Polka
Lover's Kiss Waltz
Marjanko Waltz
Maybe Yes, Maybe No Waltz
Meadowlark Waltz
Memories Waltz
Memories of Cameron Waltz
Memories of Youth Waltz
Midnight Rose Waltz
Miner's Rose Waltz
Mockingbird Waltz
Monkey Polka
Moonlight Waltz
Mountain Valley Waltz (Version 1)
Mountain Valley Waltz (Version 2)
Musicians, Come Out and Play March (Version 1)
Musicians, Come Out and Play March (Version 2)
Muziky, Musiky March (Version 1)
Muziky, Musiky March (Version 2)
Muziky, Muziky Waltz
My Angel Polka
My Charlie Polka
My Darling Waltz
My Evil Fate (Bad Luck) Waltz
My Pony (Muj Konicek) March
(A) Night in May Waltz
Nobody Knows Waltz
Oaken Leaf Polka (Version 1)
Oaken Leaf Polka (Version 2)
Oh! Meadow Polka
Old Blacksmith (Lesetinsky Kovar) Waltz
Old Hen Polka
Old Horse Gate Polka
Old Man Breclav Polka
Old Poacher Waltz
Once on a Sunday Waltz
Once on a Sunday Waltz (English translation)
On Our Balcony Waltz
On the Hillside Waltz (Version 1)
On the Hillside Waltz (Version 2)
Orphan Waltz
Orphan Maiden Waltz
Our Katy Polka
Owl Polka
Painted Gate Polka
Panther Polka
Patek's Special Waltz
Path to Moravia Waltz
Play Me a Polka
Plowing the Field Polka
Poor Accordionist Waltz
Poor Cinderella Polka
Poor Little Girl Polka
Poor Little Me Waltz
Poor Old Fisherman Waltz
Pres Hajicek March
Prune Dumplings Polka
Prune Song Waltz (Version 1)
Prune Song Waltz (Version 1)
Quail Polka
Rain, Rain Polka
Recroty Girl Polka
Red and White Waltz (Version 1)
Red and White Waltz (Version 2)
Red Beer Polka
Red Handkerchief Waltz (Version 1)
Red Handkerchief Waltz (Version 2)
Red Rose Polka (Version 1)
Red Rose Polka (Version 2)
Red Rose Polka (Version 3)
Red Rose Waltz
Red Wine Polka
Repeat Polka
Ringing Bells Waltz
Roaring Mountains Polka
Roaring River Waltz
Round and Round Polka
Saddle Horse Polka
Scarecrow Polka
Shiner Song Polka
Shining Sun Waltz
Single Girl (Mlada Holka) Polka
Skoda Lasky (Beer Barrel) Polka
Snowflower (Katy) Polka (Version 1)
Snowflower (Katy) Polka (Version 2)
Somewhere My Love Waltz
Song of Bohemia Waltz
Star Waltz
Step Lively Polka
Stone Heart Waltz
Sumar Barta Waltz
Sunshine Polka
Teardrops Waltz
Tell Me Sincerely (Friendship) Polka
That's Why Your Cried Polka
Tinker Polka
Tiny Clover Waltz
Tomcat Polka
Trail in the Forest Waltz
Treban Meadow Waltz
Trodden Path Waltz
Twenty Crowns Polka
Under Our Window March (Version 1)
Under Our Window March (Version 1)
Under the Bridge Polka
Under the Pine Tree Polka
Unknown Girl Polka
U Zborova Waltz
Waiting in the Woods Waltz
Waiting Polka
Wait! You'll Be Sorry Waltz
Walking Doll Polka
Wandering Hobo (Tulacek) Waltz
Wayside Waltz
Wedding Ring Waltz
Westphalia Waltz
What Can Happen Waltz
Wheelbarrow Polka (Version 1)
Wheelbarrow Polka (Version 2)
When I Sleep Polka
When We Parted Waltz
White Blossom Polka
Who Will Love You Polka
Wild Goose Waltz
Wild Olive Waltz (Version 1)
Wild Olive Waltz (Version 2)
Without a Thing Polka
Woodland Waltz
Woven Flowers Polka
Yesterday I Waited For You Polka
Yesterday Was Sunday (Two-Step or Tango)
Young Widow (G.I.) Polka
You Promised Me Polka
You're So Lovely Polka

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